As you travel to higher altitudes, the oxygen level in the air dips significantly and it becomes harder to breathe. As you move up from the sea level, oxygen level steadily declines. At high altitudes, oxygen available for breathing is much lower than at sea level casuing a variety of problems. Using OXY99 supplemental oxygen will protect you from the symptoms of high acute mountain sickness. OXY99 portable oxygen cylinders are trusted for their effectiveness in providing solution for high altitude & travel related problems. When your body starts adjusting to the lower concentration of oxygen, you might experience fatigue, shortness of breath and mental fogginess.
Traveling as such is exhausting and you will feel fatigued during after traveling between different destinations. On inhaling from oxygen cans, you can travel unencumbered by low oxygen levels prevailing at high altitudes. Our portable oxygen cylinders will help you in maintaining adequate oxygen level at the heights. It is recommended that you always carry several extra pieces of OXY99 with you.
Lack of oxygen is noticeable as you go high up from the sea level.
Go for OXY99 best canned oxygen for staying fit while traveling to high altitude places.OXY99 comes packaged in light weight and compact canister that can be used either with a spray or a face mask.