OXY99 is India's number 1 trusted brand for Ultra portable oxygen brought to India in collaboration with ING L&A Boschi of Italy since 1930. OXY99 portable oxygen can is light-weight weighing just 120 grams with a shelf life of 2 years. This portable oxygen is packaged in a can containing pure natural oxygen with upto to 150 inhalations per bottle. See the full video to learn more about OXY99 portable oxygen.
Air pollution from traffic and industry is leading to the premature death of more than three million people a year. Globally, that’s more than malaria and HIV/Aids combined !! People have no choice but to breathe the poisonous gases, OXYGEN IS THE ONLY CURE...
Oxygen is our primary source of energy and we already know how vital it is for our brain & body functions. But are we aware that oxygen shortage in the body has been linked to every major illness category including heart problems, and even cancer...